18 July 2023

Tomás Adriano Perez.


The ceremony with the Amazonian medicine of Yopo will be guided in the tradition of the Piaroa tribe from Venezuela, in the line of Grandfather Bolivar, a healer who died in 2015 being over 120 years old and passed the last altar he made to Tomas Adriano Perez. Piaroa people say that Yopo can show the past, the present, and the future. Due to the incredible power of this medicine, it is sometimes called „the medicine of the medicines” or „the grandfather of the grandfathers.”


The ritual, which will last throughout the night, will begin with a part (around 1.5-2 hours) during which the medicine process and its rules will be explained in detail. We will also share sacred tobacco and the inhibitor that helps the medicine work several times. It is important to note that shortly after, during the main part of the process, one may feel that it is very fast and intense, both in terms of visual and physical effects. However, it is typically short (around 40 minutes). After that, the part with insights and teachings comes. They are often very direct and precise, at times giving vital answers related to one’s intention, their issues in life or their path. 


The main medicine process lasts about two hours, at times accompanied by traditional songs. The leader and the support team are taking care of participants throughout it. It is usually possible to go through it twice during the night.


It is necessary to abstain from pork for at least two days before the ceremony. It is also recommended to significantly reduce or eliminate dairy, sugar (including very sweet fruits), and alcohol. On the day of the ceremony, please do not eat after 4pm. While taking most medicines likely won’t be a barrier, please inform us about them. Likewise, women in their moontime are welcome, though they should inform the leader or someone from his support team.


To get the most out of the ceremony and pass through it calmly, it is important to maintain focus and discipline. The main rules include keeping a stable posture of the body with the head down, no rapid movements and keeping eyes closed during the main process. They will be repeated, expanded on, and demonstrated several times during the ceremony. 





Tomás Adriano Perez. A healer from the Coahuila desert in Mexico. Guardian of hikuri (peyote) and yopo altars. He spent many years among the Wixarika (Huichol) people, living with them and learning about sacred plants. A disciple of Grandpa Bolívar (a Piaroa tribe  leader from the Amazon, Venezuela), from whom he received the so-called blessing for yopo medicine healing. Tomás is also the bearer of chanupa, the Sun Dancer and vision leader in Latin American and European countries.

the yopo ceremony
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