08 June 2022

Yari and Paula.


On August 11, 2023, at 10 pm after the concert.


Wachuma is a sacred cactus that comes from the Andean mountains. The active ingredient of Wachuma-San Pedro is mescaline. It has been used for over 4,000 years for healing and awareness-raising. It is known as a gentle but powerful male Teacher Plant.


Wachuma is a meditation and self-awareness tool that helps remove past traumatic stress and enable a way to be heart-centered. It can bring limiting thoughts and beliefs to the surface of consciousness, and what no longer serves our highest truth has a chance to be released. By purifying and balancing the body, mind, and spirit, helps to expand awareness and creates room for more lightness in our life experiences. Freeing ourselves from our limitations helps us to feel better, love and bond with others, and have a deeper connection with Mother Earth.


The "SSRI" antidepressants do not have a good relationship with medicine. Individuals on medications MUST inform us about the kind of medications they are on and their dosages.


The ceremony can be attended by both people who are part of the Green Circles Festival and people who will come only for this one night.


The price of the ceremony is PLN 900 (190 €). In order to reserve a place, it is necessary to make an advance payment of PLN 400 to the account specified in the Price List. Detailed information about the ceremony in the e-mail and telephone contact: +48660664754. Mariola Floreska.





Yari i Paula. The ceremony will be conducted by Yari from Peru together with his partner Paula from Germany. Yari has been working with medicines for 15 years, learning from various tribes from the Andean and Amazonian traditions (Chavin, Qeros, Ashaninka, Katukina). Paula is a singer and songwriter of medicine songs. Together, they offer a safe and loving space to meet in order to heal and unite the individual intention of each participant, with a common prayer of connection with our heart, with nature, and the simplicity of life. The space of the Ceremony is filled with singing, music, and clear, pure intention.

ANDean ceremony - WACHUMA
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