In translation, you are welcome soon!


Molly and Daniel. Join us for a transformative soul retrieval workshop guided by the voice and sound of a drum whose rhythmic beats will take you to the depths of
Daniel Moński. The origins of this vocal technique are lost in the fog of history. Nobody knows exactly when or where was created.This chant, associated with the Republic of Tuva,
Michał Mejran. I invite you to workshops on working with the body and emotions in a men's circle inspired by Lowen bioenergetics, psychodrama and breath work. I will lead two
Holi Dilks. By connecting with our fully embodied presence, we open ourselves to discovering and learning new ways of communicating through our bodies. We will expand our understanding of feelings
Holi Dilks and Natan Rabin. We invite you to a transformational rebirth experience designed to meet and release every element that does not serve you. By using the powerful method
Marta Bartłoszewicz. I invite you to the unique learning of Spanish through common singing and analyzing Medicine Songs from Latin America. These songs open our hearts to our relationship with
Aja Piesionka. I CALL YOU with my song. Come, beautiful woman, to sing your own voice, so that together we can discover what needs to be voiced within us,
Molly and Daniel. Imagine being able to enter one of your dreams... You have time to calmly look around, and experience emotions consciously... Enter the process of activating the imagination
Patryk Kozaczuk. We will start the workshop with an opening circle. The workshop's first part will consist of self-massage of energy points on the body. Each participant will massage their
Krzysztof Fabijański During the workshop you will feel what safe touch is, you will discover the pleasure of feeling another Being and you will experience the lightness of being taken
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