01 July 2019

In a month, on the Green Circles in Kożyczkowo, the international Curawaka quintet will appear. Their songs are celebrated and echoed by the voices of the people of the world, through their spirituality and sacred practices.The debut album of Curawaka "Call of the Wild" is a tribute to the rich folklore of Mother Earth and the tribes that protect it.


You can also buy a ticket only for the concert - the price is PLN 20.



Members of the Curawaka team, from such distant countries as Norway, Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Brazil, spent many years living with indigenous tribes around the world and learning from them.Vocalist Anna Bariyani sings in seven languages, including Hatcha Kuin, Yawanawa, Sami, Spanish, Portuguese, English and her mother tongue - Norwegian.The musicians of Tavo Vasquez, Alberto Arroyo, Cesar Alcedo and Txai Fernando bring to this group the playfulness and passion of Hispanic rhythms, creating a vivid and joyful tapestry that Anna fills with her clear and strong voice. They perform at many Congregations and Festivals around the world.


I highly recommend it,

Mariola Floreska


Call of the Wild - Curawaka Concert
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