Ana Pomar and Kike Luna.
Understanding the importance of the ancient ritual of Offerenda, a practice common to all ancient cultures, and guided by the sincere desire from our hearts to thank Mother Earth for everything that she provides us, we bring our small gifts. For the good that we have received, we can offer seeds, flowers , fruit, chocolate, tobacco, water... From these elements we will create a beautiful mandala and sing songs to our Mother Earth, thanking and praying for balance and peace, for health for all, for the purity of nature and for a good life for future generations.
Ana Pomar. Is a singer and artist from Portugal, practicing Medicine Ceremonies for about 20 years, She studied with Medicine People from Brazil, Mexico and North America. He shares his own songs and prayers from various traditions. From an early age, Ana devoted her life to prayer and ceremonies led by plant teachers. She is known for her unique voice and original medicine songs.
Kike Luna. Comes from Mexico. He has been following the Red Path for about 30 years, studying various types of Ceremony conducted by Indian elders, Native Americans, Mexicans and traditional curanderos from South America. He is a Sun Dancer and has been running Medicine Plant Ceremonies and Sweat Lodges for about 15 years. During the Ceremony, he sings and plays many instruments, maintaining high vibrations of the space. He is an older man with a fun and youthful spirit who shares his wisdom in a very refreshing, natural way, bringing a lot of humility and some laughter while effortlessly sharing ancient knowledge.