Marek Apollo Miedziewski.
From what and how man draws his power. How to be a man nowadays. The archetypal warrior and lover. Why a man needs to achieve goals and strive for success. These are just some of the topics that we will cover in the circle of male energy.
Marek Apollo Miedziewski. Yogi and traveler. Since 1998, he has been running the Center for Spiritual and Creative Life Styles in Kożyczkowo. He travels with the people to explore various spiritual practices in India, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Peru and California. She conducts Kundalini Yoga and Meditative Healing classes and workshops. He practices Zen, Suryya Namaskar and Ashtanga Yoga. It grants private pages inspiring people to their own development. He is a certified practitioner of Amazonian Kambo medicine. Raw raw food enthusiast. She loves the dynamics of the body, opens to love from the heart and allows you to discover the joy of experiencing the diversity of life.