D. José López Sanchez (Shipibo-Conibo healer, Perú)
The Ceremony consists of spending the night performing an inner work in a circle, while taking Medicine (Grandma), ancestral combination of two jungle plants that from ancestral times have been used by the Shipibo-Conibo to awaken self knowledge and use the medicine to heal and to receive clear answers to face our present. The main intention is to HEAL the Body, Mind and Spirit so we can live day by day in harmony. Initially the ceremony will be opened with a circle of Rapé. The ceremony lasts around five hours. During the ceremony Maestro José sings ICAROS individually to every person, according to tradition. These vibrations are a form of chants which function is to harmonize and balance the vibration of each of the participants. Songs and prayers can be offered after the Icaros - however, you must ask the teacher for permission to do so. The ceremony will be assisted by Javier Marco Barba, PhD (Neten tsoma). He will be in charge of harmonizing and keeping the space clean, and also taking care of each of the participants.
It is advisable to stop eating meat and drinking alcoholic beverages to 3 days before the retreat and the day of the ceremony eat light things until 2pm. Avoid sexual intercourse at least 3 days before the retreat. DO NOT CONSUME ANY TYPE OF DRUG, HARD DRUG OR MANUFACTURING SUBSTANCE 3 DAYS BEFORE (INCLUDING MARIHUANA) AS WELL AS ANY OTHER TRADITIONAL OR MODERN MEDICINE, DRUG, OR ENERGETIC SUBSTANCES. THOSE CAN CROSS WITH AYAHUASCA AND PRODUCE CONFUSION, OR SIMPLY YOU SHALL NOT FEEL ANYTHING IN THE ABSOLUTE.
Having comfortable clothing that prevents cold, and a mat, sleeping bag or anything to sit and feel more comfortable, the night is long (note: the sleeping bag is NOT to fall asleep. It is a spiritual and sacred work, and requires respect of being attentive and working in spirit).
It is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, vegetable-based and low in fat, without salt or sugar, no alcohol or drugs and abstain from sexual intercourse for at least the next three days at the time of intake. The plants continue to work and so the spiritual opening continues and the messages can continue arriving days or weeks later, so it is suggested to keep in touch with Jose and helpers and take it easy.
There will be two separate ceremonies - 3rd and 4th of August 2018.
Please write which you are interested in. Number of spaces from 20 to 30 people.
Accommodation for the night in the Maloca, breakfast and one day Festival program is included in the price. Pre-reservation necessary with a pre-payment of 50 Euro (payment details in Prices). In the reference please provide the name and the date of the ceremony, your full name and email address to contact.
Email Contact: zielonekregi@gmail.com
D. José López Sanchez. José, 34 years old, was born in the native community of Roaboya, all his childhood was with his grandfather on the part of his father the respected healer (Onanya) Shipibo José López (sanymeny). When Jose was born, he told his father David and his daughter Ynes Sanchez that his grandson would take his own name Jose, in Shipibo (Sanymeny), and that he would inherit all the knowledge and wisdom of "curanderismo" and traditional medicine when he died. At the age of 7, José began the preparation of body spirit and mind to enter his first diet, at age 10 began his diet of one year with a tree called Shihuahuaco, at age 11 Niwe rao (plant of knowledge), to the 12 Noya rao (flying tree) and when he was 13 his grandfather passed away and continued his diet with his mother Ynes. At age 16 he began first to help heal his people from his village and his work expanded from the city of Pucallpa to all of Peru. Jose is a specialist, through his astral vision, in unlocking and releasing negative energies from the bodies of patients and harmonizing body and mind. And as he always says, "We will always continue to learn and we will never stop learning until our death."