Sanken Tsoma
Rapé (pronounced Hapee) is a sacred and powerful plant medicine with deep healing, purifying and centering qualities which has been used for centuries by Brazilian indigenous tribes such as the Huni Kuin, Yawanawa and Nukini. The Rapé is a powdered mixture made from finely ground Mapacho tobacco and ingredients or ash from various medicinal plants and it´s blown into the noise through a bamboo tube (Tepi). It cleans physically & energetically, it heals, opens the heart, centers the mind, clears the consciousness and cleans the pineal gland. Rapé is very good to focus and to maintain better concentration during meditation.
The Rapé ceremony is divided into three themes during three Rapé sharings: Spirit – Body – Heart.
The spirit of the participant will be centered and clarified. The body will be purified of unhealthy and blocking energies. The heart chakra will be opened so that love and self-love can come into the flow and your heart can find healing in itself. In individual cases it is possible that one can vomit during the ceremony.
The spirit of the Rapé is conducted during the ceremony by prayers and Icaros – healing songs of the Shipibo-Conibo tribe. An energetic cleansing of the body will be done by taking out of “Hacon mabo niwebo” (“bad air” / bad energies) with the hands. Various other tools such as the Mesa (the medicine bag of the Inca) or Mapacho tobacco (in smoked form) will also be used here. Between the Rapé sharings we will meditate. The three different Rapé varieties that are used in this ceremony are very strong, intense and deeply cleansing Rapé´s. The ceremony takes around four hours.
We will hold one Ceremony - 9th of August 2018.
Pre-reservation necessary with a pre-payment of 20 Euro (payment details in Prices). In the reference please provide the name and the date of the ceremony, your full name and email address to contact.
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Sanken Tsoma (Markus). Born 1979 in Germany has been working intensively and regularly for several years with various types of plant medicine and shamanic techniques. Together with his partner Metsa Yaka, he organizes since 2014 retreats in various European countries. During this time Sanken Tsoma was taught in shamanic diets by the teacher plants from the Amazon and Europe and from several indigenous teachers. His teachers, who initiated him into their healing lineages, are the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima (from the Peruvian Amazon) and the Q’ero / Inka healer Don Eduardo Chura Apaza (from the Peruvian Andes). After having the honor to receive the former medicine name of his teacher Inkanima, in 2017 Sanken Tsoma got permission from him and also from Don Eduardo to share his work with the world. He is supported from the spiritual world by the grandfather Inkanima the Great and the grandmother Metsa Wesna the Great, which guide, support and protect him. Since the end of 2017 he lives in Andalusia/ Spain, where he deepens his work with the plants.